Table 1

Parameters determined from fitting Hill equation to GABA concentration-response relationships. Numbers in parentheses indicate number of oocytes tested. Concentration of GABA required for half-maximal activation (EC50) and Hill coefficient are mean ± S.D.

SubunitEC50μM Hill Coefficient
ρ1(12)1.03  ± 0.262.26  ± 0.48
β2 (10)Reduced maximuma, b
α1β2γ2(4)46.5  ± 4.71.52  ± 0.12
 ρ324/β283 (3)3.46  ± 4.71.52  ± 0.15
 ρ346/β305(3)4.58  ± 1.720.99  ± 0.17
 ρ405/β399 (4)0.54  ± 0.112.04  ± 0.32
 ρ268/β227–242/ρ285(3)GABA activateda, b
 ρ324/β283–304/ρ347(6)GABA activateda, b
Point mutations
 ρWV328,329MG (6)0.83  ± 0.172.22  ± 0.59
 ρWVS328–330MGC(7)1.06  ± 0.222.55  ± 0.52
 ρW328M(6)1.31  ± 0.302.39  ± 0.15
 ρV329G(4)0.42  ± 0.052.86  ± 0.65
 ρS330C(4)1.12  ± 0.152.35  ± 0.09
 ρVS329,330GC (3)0.23  ± 0.051.49  ± 0.06
 ρW328L (4)0.35  ± 0.222.62  ± 1.26
 ρW328I (4)0.39  ± 0.042.38  ± 0.19
 ρW328V (4)0.85  ± 0.013.13  ± 0.49
 ρW328A (6)31.74  ± 5.531.32  ± 0.08
 ρW328F (7)29.92  ± 4.441.51  ± 0.08
 ρW328Y (5)0.83  ± 0.063.05  ± 0.69
 ρW328E (12)No response up to 30 mM
 ρW328S(10)No response up to 30 mM
 ρW328P (11)No response up to 30 mM
 ρY198S (4)3077.1  ± 724.21.56  ± 0.07
 ρY198S/W328M (3)3331.8  ± 346.71.61  ± 0.16
 ρY198S/WVS328–330MGC(6)2538.7  ± 616.01.52  ± 0.21
 βM286W(6)Reduced maximuma, b
 βMGC286–288WVS (5)Reduced maximuma, b
 ρWVS328–330GTC (3)7.69  ± 0.911.93  ± 0.10
 ρF333M(7)No response up to 30 mM
  • 1-a Concentration-response relationship could not be fitted to these data points.

  • 1-b Spontaneously open.