Table 1

Effect of inhibitors on NE-stimulated luciferase activity in Stat or GAS reporter transfected α1A-PC12 cells

Drug%NE Response
  1 μM GFX111  ± 14114  ± 19
 50 μM BAPTA119  ± 10149  ± 12
500 nM AG147859  ± 1** 75  ± 81-150
 10 μM PP299  ± 495  ± 9
 20 μM AG490126  ± 1148  ± 33
 10 μM LY292  ± 62** 210  ± 12**
 10 μM PD98059105  ± 18157  ± 35**
 10 μM SB20219026  ± 6** 110  ± 15

Cells were induced with 1 mM IPTG for 48 hours, treated with inhibitors for 30 min, and then treated with 100 μM NE for 4 h in the absence of serum. Each value is the mean ± S.E. of four to eight separate observations.

  • 1-150 P < .05; **P < .01 compared with NE alone.