Table 3

Internalization and rates of down-regulation induced by various concentrations of fenoterol, a strong agonist

[Fenoterol]Fraction OccupiedFraction Receptor Internalizedkdeg Fraction Lost/hS.E.
2 μM0.930.49  (±0.02)0.2260.02
200 nM0.580.40  (±0.04)0.1700.03
20 nM0.120.09  (±0.05)0.109<0.01
2 nM0.014<0.010.0750.02
0.2 nM0.0014<0.010.0450.01

Agonist was applied at concentrations that resulted in occupancies shown in the first column. Extent of receptor internalization is shown in the second column (n = 3; ±S.E.M.). Rates of down-regulation (k deg), presented as the fraction of remaining receptor lost per hour are given, as generated by GraphPad software using eqs. 3 and 6 as explained under Experimental Procedures, along with standard errors.