Table 1

Inhibition of acetylcholine responses by 3 μM concentrations of steroids

CompoundACh ResponseN3517IC50HillnP versus ACNP versus DMSO
mean ± S.D. μM
ACN0.27  ± 0.0911αOHαβCN1.641.75 1-165
B1640.28  ± 0.103αOHββCN(1.55)NS 1-160
B3720.33  ± 0.1010βOHαβCN(1.83)NS 1-165
B2600.46  ± 0.073βOHββCN(2.69) 1-150 1-160
PROG0.50  ± 0.136OxβCH3CO3.031.22 1-160 1-165
ent-ECN0.54  ± 0.185αCNβαOH(3.37) 1-150 1-160
ECN0.56  ± 0.175βCNαβOH(3.58) 1-150 1-160
AND0.57  ± 0.103αOHαβOH(3.61) 1-150 1-160
ent-ACN0.61  ± 0.188βOHβαCN4.641.39 1-160 1-160
B1630.66  ± 0.205αOHβαCN(4.76) 1-150 1-160
βEST0.69  ± 0.044OHxβOH(5.30) 1-165 1-165
DHEAS0.76  ± 0.124βSO4 xO(6.96) 1-160 1-150
αEST0.79  ± 0.1215OHxαOH11.71.15 1-165 1-160
3α5αP0.84  ± 0.084αOHαβCH3CO12.31.55 1-165 1-160
DMSO0.96  ± 0.087 1-165
Bath1.03  ± 0.1619 1-165 NS

The table is organized with the compound producing the greatest block (ACN) at the top and that producing the least (bath solution) at the bottom. The structures of the drugs used are shown in Fig. 6. The first column gives the name of the compound. The second column shows the mean residual response to 100 μM acetylcholine after 30-s preexposure to the steroid (all at 3 μM concentration) for N cells. The next three columns give the substituent and orientation at the 3, 5, and 17 positions, respectively. The next two columns show the measured IC50 values and Hill coefficient for inhibition or the calculated IC50 value (in parentheses). The calculated IC50 value was estimated from the mean residual current with 3 μM compound (ρ) and the mean value for the Hill coefficient for all the blocking curves determined (1.4), using the equation IC50 = 1.4 th root {(1 − ρ)/ρ} × 3 μM.

    • The last two columns give the probabilities that the residual response seen for a given drug was the same as that seen with 3 μM ACN or 0.03% DMSO, respectively: NS: P > .05,

    • 1-150P < .05,

    • 1-160P< .01,

    • 1-165P < .001 (two-tailedt tests assuming unequal variances).