Table 2

HuR and hnRNP A1 levels in C6 cells and DDT1MF2 cells

C6 CellsDDT1MF2 Cells
+IsoproterenolUninduced+ IsoproterenolUninduced
HuR8580  ± 6812-a 6696  ± 9292-a 656  ± 592-a 472  ± 452-a
hnRNP A1
M r 44,0002219  ± 3581750  ± 281665  ± 22684  ± 27
M r37,0003573  ± 4242-b 2367  ± 3112-b 4293  ± 1054422  ± 101

Multiple dishes of C6 and DDT1MF2 cells (n = 4 dishes for each experimental condition and each cell type) were uninduced or treated with isoproterenol for 24 h. Proteins were extracted, electrophoresed on SDS-PAGE, and electrotransfered to membranes for Western Analyses using antibodies recognizing HuR and hnRNP A1. Band intensities were measured using the Bio-Rad Molecular Imager FX system. Each cell line (with both experimental conditions) for each antibody was analyzed on individual blots. Thus, band intensity values between isoproterenol-treated and uninduced conditions for each cell line are on the same intensity scale, but not values for band intensities between cell lines or between antibodies. Displayed values are mean intensity values ± S.D.

    • 2-a  Difference between average band intensities for HuR in C6 cells under uninduced and isoproterenol-treated conditions is statistically significant (n = 4; p = 0.024). Difference between average band intensities for HuR in DDT1MF2 cells under uninduced and isoproterenol-treated conditions is statistically significant (n = 3; p = 0.012).

    • 2-b  Difference between band intensities of M r 37,000 hnRNP A1 in C6 cells under uninduced and isoproterenol-treated conditions is statistically significant (p = 0.0019). All other observed differences in theM r 44,000 hnRNP A1 molecule in C6 cells and theM r 37,000 hnRNP A1 molecule in C6 and DDT1MF2 cells between uninduced and isoproterenol-treated conditions were not statistically significant.