Table 1

Kinetic constants determined from the concentration dependence of MDZ oxidation by CYP3A4 wild-type and mutants.

min−1 μM μM/min min−1 μM μM/min
WT8.9  (0.3)3.7  (0.9)2.410.9  (0.3)64.0  (4.0)0.1714
S119Aa 12.7  (0.6)27.3  (4.5)0.4640.0  (2.2)114.1  (12.8)0.351.3
I120Wb 1-c 23.5  (0.7)1.9  (0.6)12.18.5  (0.3)93.7  (8.0)0.09134
L210Aa 20.5  (0.9)22.3  (3.4)0.9228.6  (0.7)42.0  (3.1)0.681.4
F304Aa 12.6  (0.6)12.9  (2.6)0.9823.9  (1.3)65.3  (8.8)0.372.7
F304Wb 1-c 17.5  (0.4)2.4  (0.5)7.26.9  (1.0)87.8  (28.3)0.0892
T309F2.7  (0.1)3.3  (0.9)0.83
I369W4.1  (0.4)89.0  (21.3)0.05
L373F1-d 5.8  (0.3)36.4  (6.6)0.1617.3  (0.7)154.6  (12.1)0.111.4
L479Fa 16.2  (0.7)9.3  (2.1)1.757.0  (0.9)83.9  (23.6)0.0821

The values in parentheses show the average deviation obtained from the fit of the Michaelis-Menton equation to a single kinetic data set. The experiments were done multiple times (n = 2–4) using multiple protein preparations without significant change in the ratio ofV max/K M(1′-OH)/V max/K M(4-OH).

    • a,b Due to very high rate of metabolite formation with some of the mutants, the incubations were done using 5 (a) and 3 (b) pmol of the enzyme in these cases.

    • 1-c The reaction kinetics of 1′-OH MDZ formation by I120W and F304W possibly showed a small extent of inhibition at higher substrate concentrations (see Fig. 4) as reported for wild-type CYP3A4 (Gorski et al., 1994; Ghosal et al., 1996; Perloff et al., 2000). A reanalysis of the reaction kinetics by a model incorporating Michaelis-Menton kinetics with uncompetitive substrate inhibition showed no significant change in the K M and V maxvalues (shown by dotted lines in Fig. 4) compared with those determined using the Michaelis-Menton equation. The K inbdetermined from these fits showed very large standard deviations and is therefore not reported.

    • 1-d Eiselt et al. (2001).