Table 2

Mean closed times of mutant nAChRs activated by 30 μM ACh

Number of F ResiduesMutant SubunitsMean Closed Timen
0αF8′I1.80  ± 0.604
1αF8′I, δL8′F2.30  ± 0.253
2Wild-type1.30  ± 0.186
3ɛV8′F2.40  ± 0.144
4ɛV8′F, δL8′F2.70  ± 0.205
4βL8′F, δL8′F5.60  ± 1.704
5βL8′F, ɛV8′F, δL8′F5.00  ± 1.205

Recordings were obtained from HEK cells transfected with wild-type and mutant subunits to yield nAChRs containing different number of phenylalanine residues at 8′, ranging from 0 (F = 0) to 5 (F = 5). The mean closed time corresponds to the predominant component of the closed-time histogram which is associated to closings within clusters. n is the number of recordings for each condition.