Loss of modulation of GluR1(S493T) by CTZ and CX546

Loss of modulation by both CX546 and CTZ occurs when mutations are made at either position 493 (this article) or position 750 (this article and Partin et al., 1995 in GluR1. Values represent mean ± S.E.M.; n = 5 to 14 oocytes, but most data points represent n = 8. Hill values are given in parentheses below the value for EC50.

CTZ CX546 Glutamate
EC50 Potentiation (300 μM CTZ) IGLU + CTZ/IGLU EC50 Potentiation (1500 μM CX546) IGLU + CX546/IGLU EC50
μM μM μM
WT GluR1i 58.0±1.9 (2.2) 39.6±7.2 503±73 (1.6) 18.5±4.9 27.1±8.9
GluR1i(S493T) N.D. 17.9±5.2 N.D. 1.1±0.5 21.9±7.3
WT GluR1o 237±104 (0.9) 8.7±1.7 595±315 (1.0) 16.3±1.7 11.1±7.4
GluR1o(S493T) N.D. 1.8±0.1 N.D. 0.7±0.1 28.3±11.8
GluR1o(S750Q) N.D. 1.0±0.1a N.D. 1.8±0.2 N.D.
  • N.D., not determined (i.e., data could not be fit reliably with logistic equation because of small current amplitudes)

  • a Data from Partin et al. (1995)