Comparison of TFs versus RNAi technologies to modulate gene expression

TFs RNAi & Antisense
Vector-based delivery Transient Transient
Retroviral Retroviral
Adenoviral Adenoviral
Lentiviral Lentiviral
Direct delivery Protein transduction Lipids or electroporation
Optimal expression levels Low, pol II promoters High, pol III or pol II promoters
Chemical synthesis Yes but not practical Yes
Regulation of expression Yes, by inducible promoters and post-transcriptional activation of TFs Yes, by inducible promoters
Specificity Limited by number and quality of ZF-DNA contacts Limited by base pairing and biochemistry
Limited by accessibility due to endogenous proteins Limited by accessibility due to endogenous proteins and RNA structure
Gene regulation
Gain of function Yes, with activator domains No
Loss of function Yes, with repressor domains Yes