Results of testing CMFinder on simulated data

No of Matrices Frequency of Implanting of the CM (% of Sequences)
50 70 100 Implanted
2 +/− (AhR, GATA) + + AhR, AP-1
4 +/− (AhR, C/EBP, OCT, HNF3) + + AhR, OCT, C/EBP, AP-1
6 −/+ (AhR, C/EBP, HNF4, HNF3A, ROR) +/− (AhR, C/EBP, AP-1, GATA, ROR, HNF1, COUP) +/− (AhR, OCT, C/EBP, ROR, NF1, HNF1) AhR, OCT, C/EBP, AP-1, NF1, HNF1