Association of UGT1A1*28 promoter polymorphisms with the novel UGT1A7 promoter polymorphism

Genotyping of 200 patients referred for suspected Gilbert-Meulengracht's disease. Among these patients, 71 were homozygous for the UGT1A7*28 TATA box polymorphism of the UGT1A1 bilirubin transferase gene. Taqman allelic discrimination PCR analysis of all 200 patients demonstrated that in persons homozygous for the UGT1A1*28 TATA box polymorphism, 73% carried the homozygous UGT1A7 –57 G promoter polymorphism, and only 2 (3%) had the wild-type UGT1A7 promoter, indicating that among patients with homozygous Gilbert-Meulengracht's disease, 97% carry the reduced activity UGT1A7 promoter polymorphism. However, UGT1A7 –57 T→ G is also present in persons who carry a UGT1A1*1 promoter.

UGT1A1*28 (A(TA)7TAA) UGT1A7 -57 G/T
UGT1A7 -57 G UGT1A7 -57 T/G UGT1A7 -57 T
UGT1A1*28 (71) 53 (75%) 16 (22%) 2 (3%)
UGT1A1*28/*1 (65) 6 (9%) 50 (77%) 9 (14%)
UGT1A1*1 (64) 5 (8%) 12 (19%) 47 (73%)