Human FMO3 SNP discovery—intron sequences

Coordinates are based on assigning the “A” of the ATG translation initiation codon +1. Location indicates the position of the SNP within the gene splice donor or acceptor consensus sequence (Rogan et al., 1998). Accession No. is that reported in dbSNP build 124, if applicable.

Position SNP and Sequence Context Location Accession No.
−1639 CAGGA [G>T]CTTGA Intron 1
−1592 CCAAA [G>A]ATACA Intron 1 rs1736561
−1536 TGGGA [G>T]GCTGA Intron 1
154 TGTAA [T>G]AGACA Intron 2
177 GGGAA [G>T]TGTAT Intron 2
187 TAAGA [G>T]CACAC Intron 2
191 AGCAC [A>G]CTGTG Intron 2 rs2064074
11322 TAAGA [T>G]GTTAT Intron 3 splice donor (+6)
14916 TAATC [A>C]TTAAA Intron 3
14951 TTTTC [A>C]TACTG Intron 3
14982 TAGCA [T>G]AGAAA Intron 3
15366 TTAAA [G>A]TCTTT Intron 4 rs2066529
15399a GCCAT [G>A]TATTT Intron 4 splice acceptor (−21) rs1920149
15573 TACTC [C>G]CCGGG Intron 5 rs2066534
15610 GAAGA [G>T]TTATT Intron 5
18088 CCAGA[delA]TATCC Intron 5
18102 ACAAA [T>G]GGTCA Intron 5
21738 GAAGA [T>C]GAATG Intron 7 rs909531
23525 TTACC [A>C]TCGTG Intron 7
23532 CGTGT [C>A]TTTCC Intron 7 splice acceptor (−16)
23628 TAAGA [G>T]TACCT Intron 8 splice donor (+6)
24416 CCACA [G>T]TGGTG Intron 8 splice acceptor (−24)