MALDI-TOF identification of S-glutathionylated proteins in HL60 cells treated with PABA/NO

Protein NCBI Accession Number MM pI Protein Confidence Interval
Da %
β-Lactate dehydrogenase 49259212 36,516 6.2 100
Rho GDP dissociation inhibitor β 56676393 22,973 5.1 99.6
Nucleophosmin-1 40353734 29,446 4.64 100
Protein disulfide isomerase 2098329 57,080 5.9 100
ATP synthase β subunit 1374715 51,170 4.9 100
Chaperonin 41399285 61,016 5.5 100
Glucosidase II 2274968 106,832 5.74 100
Elongation factor 2 4503483 95,277 6.42 100
Actin 15277503 41,736 5.29 99.9
PTP1B 18031 49,966 5.8 99.9
  • MM, molecular mass.