Crystallographic data summary for the cocrystal structure of SPPARγM2 with human PPARγLBD

Data Collection

Space group C2
Unit cell dimensions a = 92.15 Å, b = 58.86 Å, c = 118.29 Å, β= 103.76°
No. of molecules per asymmetric unit Two monomers
Resolution range (Å) 50.0-2.25 (2.35-2.25)
No. of observations 181,947
No. of unique reflectionsa 29,681 (3407)
I/σ(I) 15.5 (2.51)
Completeness (%) 99.0 (93.7)
Rsym (%)b 0.042 (0.353)
Structure refinement
Resolution range (Å) 40.34-2.25 (2.39-2.25)
Rcryst/Rfree (%)c 0.232/0.274 (0.324/0.383)
Protein atoms 3792
Water molecules 93
Ligand atoms 88
B-factor from Wilson plot (Å2) 29.6
Average B-factor for all atoms (Å2) 43.5
Cross-validated estimated coordinate error (Å)d 0.37
Root-mean-square deviation from expected geometrye
Bond length (Å) 0.006
Bond angle (degrees) 0.9
Dihedral angle (degrees) 20.6
Improper angle (degrees) 0.66
Ramachandran statistics
Residues in most favored regions (%) 91.9
Residues in additional allowed regions (%) 7.6
Residues in generously allowed region (%) 0.2
Residues in disallowed region (%)
  • a A control set of 5% of these reflections, chosen randomly, were used to calculate an Rfree to monitor the progress of refinement.

  • b Rsym = Σj | <Ii> - Iij| / ΣiΣj<Ii>, where <Ii> is the mean intensity of the ith reflection, and Iij is the symmetry related jth measurement of the ith reflection.

  • c Rcryst = Σ | | Fobs | - | Fcalc | | / Σ | Fobs |, where | Fobs | and | Fcalc | are the calculated and observed structure factor amplitudes, respectively, for the 95% of reflections used in refinement. Rfree is calculated in the same manner using only the control set of reflections.

  • d Luzzati48 method was used along with the control set of reflections used to calculate Rfree.

  • e Engh and Huber49 stereochemical parameters were used in the refinement.