Representative reports of ERK5-dependent effects on neuronal cells.

Neuronal Cell TypesERK5-Dependent EffectsReferences
Cortical neural progenitor cellsCell fate determination (neuronal differentiation)Liu et al., 2006
DRG neuronsRetrograde transport-dependent cell survivalWatson et al., 2001;Pazyra-Murphy et al., 2009
Cortical neuronsERK5/MEF2-depedent survivalLiu et al., 2003; Wang et al., 2006
MN9D cells (dopaminergic cells)ERK5/MEF2-dependent survivalCavanaugh et al., 2006
Superior cervical ganglion neuronsERK5/CREB, Akt -dependent survivalFinegan et al., 2009
DRG and spinal dorsal hornInflammatory painXiao et al., 2008
PC12 cellsNeurite outgrowth TH stabilizationObara et al., 2009
In vivo
    Xenopus laevisNeuronal differentiationNishimoto et al., 2005, 2007
    Conditional KO in neuronsNormal neuronal developmentHayashi et al., 2004a
  • TH, tyrosine hydroxylase.