S-Nitrosylated proteins identified in guinea pig USM that are involved in contraction/relaxation dynamics

A total of 34 S-nitrosylated proteins were identified that are known to play a role in either cytoskeletal rearrangement or the regulation of contraction/relaxation in smooth muscle tissues, 15 of these are novel targets of S-nitrosylation not previously identified and 20 are selectively S-nitrosylated during pregnancy.

ProteinBiological ProcessPreviously IdentifiedNPPUniProt
Transgelina,bActin binding, contractionNNYQ01995 (TAGL_Hu)
Destrina,bActin depolymerizationY (PMID: 18670085)NYP60981 (DEST_Hu)
Tubulin β chaina,bCytoskeletalY (PMID: 16418269)YYP07437 (TBB5_Hu)
α-Actinin-1a,bCytoskeletalY C332 (PMID: 20585580)NYP12814 (ACTN1_Hu)
Desmina,bCytoskeletalY C333 (PMID: 20585580)YYP17661 (DESM_Hu)
Actin, cytoplasmic 1aCytoskeletalY (PMID: 20585580)YYP60709 (ACTB_Hu)
Actin, α skeletal muscleaCytoskeletalY (PMID: 10961840)YYP68133 (ACTS_Hu)
Tubulin β-2B chainaCytoskeletalNNYQ9BVA1 (TBB2B_Hu)
VinculinaCytoskeletal actin bindingY (PMID: 17704302)NYP18206 (VINC_Hu)
Cofilin-1aCytoskeletal actin bindingNYYP23528 (COF1_Hu)
Filamin-CaCytoskeletal actin cross-linkerY (PMID: 20585580)NYQ14315 (FLNC_Hu)
Annexin A2a,bCytoskeletal adapterY (PMID: 12199706)NYP07355 (ANXA2_Hu)
PDZ and LIM domain protein 1aCytoskeletal adapter (interacts with α-actinins 1, 2, and 4)NNYO00151 (PDLI1_Hu)
Profilin-1aCytoskeletal remodelingY (PMID: 18283105)NYP07737 (PROF1_Hu)
Vimentina,bCytoskeletal remodelingY C328 (PMID: 20585580)YYP08670 (VIME_Hu)
Ras-related protein R-RasaCytoskeletal remodelingNNYP10301 (RRAS_Hu)
Calpain small subunit 1aCytoskeletal remodeling and signal transductionNNYP04632 (CPNS1_Hu)
Heat shock protein β-1a,bCytoskeletal remodeling and signal transductionY (PMID: 18670085)YYP04792 (HSPB1_Hu)
Filamin-AaCytoskeletal scaffold actin bindingY C717 (PMID: 20585580)YYP21333 (FLNA_Hu)
Phosphoglucomutase-like protein 5aCytoskeletal; interacts with dystrophin and utrophinNNYQ15124 (PGM5_Hu)
Ankyrin-3aCytoskeletal-membrane linkerY (PMID: 20585580)YNQ12955 (ANK3_Hu)
Talin-1aCytoskeletal-membrane connectorNYYQ9Y490 (TLN1_Hu)
Kinesin family member 17aMicrotubule-based movementNNYA2A3Q7 (A2A3Q7_Hu)
Transforming growth factor β-1-induced transcript 1 proteinaMolecular adapter at focal adhesion complexesNYYO43294 (TGFI1_Hu)
Protein S100-A10aProtein binding, induces the dimerization of ANXA2/p36NNYP60903 (S10AA_Hu)
Gi subunit α-2aSignal transductionNNYP04899 (GNAI2_Hu)
Myosin regulatory light polypeptide 9aSmooth muscle contraction? (PMID: 20585450)NYP24844 (MYL9_Hu)
Myosin-11aSmooth muscle contraction? (PMID: 20585450)NYP35749 (MYH11_Hu)
Myosin light polypeptide 6a,bSmooth muscle contraction? (PMID: 20585450)YYP60660 (MYL6_Hu)
Myosin light chain kinase, smooth muscleaSmooth muscle contractionNNYQ15746 (MYLK_Hu)
Tropomyosin β-chaina,bSmooth muscle contraction is regulated by interaction with caldesmonY C170 (PMID: 19447776)YYP07951 (TPM2_Hu)
Tropomyosin α-4 chainaSmooth muscle contraction is regulated by interaction with caldesmonY C170 (PMID: 18992711)NYP67936 (TPM4_Hu)
Calponin-1aSmooth muscle contractionNYNP51911 (CNN1_Hu)
  • NP, nonpregnant estrogen-primed guinea pig; P, pregnant near term 60- to 67-day timed pregnant; Y, yes; N, no; Hu, human; PMID, PubMed identification number.

  • a Proteins were identified by LTQ-Orbitrap LC-MS/MS.

  • b Proteins were identified by MALDI TOF/TOF.