GlyH-101 binding free energy, ΔGbind, and its components estimated through MM-GB/SA analysis for wt and F342A CFTRs, without and with a membrane

Analyses were performed with eq. 1, ΔGbind = ΔElig + ΔGsolvTΔSconf + Evdw + Ees + ΔEPTN, where ΔElig and ΔEPTN are changes (upon ligand binding) in the intramolecular strains of the ligand and protein, respectively, ΔGsolv is the total desolvation penalty for the ligand and protein, TΔSconf is the ligand conformational penalty, and Evdw and Ees are the van der Waals and electrostatic energies, respectively.

CFTRΔEligΔEPTNEvdw + Ees + ΔGsolvTΔSconfΔGbind
Without membrane
    wt − F342A0.782.850.420.04.0
With membrane
    wt − F342A0.762.820.540.04.1