Summary data

Summary electrophysiological data for ion channels analyzed in this study. Brackets in numbers represent the number of cells tested for a particular measurement. Statistically significant differences are indicated in comparison with ASIC2a.

ChimeraMean Peak Current Density + S.E.M. at pH 4Mean τ + S.E.M. at pH 4EC50IC50Hill Coefficient EC/ICReversal + S.E.M.
pA/pF (n)ms (n)pH (n)mV (n)
ASIC2a421 ± 57 (50)1275 ± 111 (17)4.44 (19)6.13 (9)0.88/1.4631.4 (9)
AB5924 ± 156 (26)*1471 ± 150 (12)4.48 (14)6.34 (7)*0.83/1.7333.5 (7)
AB4.143 ± 14 (11)****1336 ± 141 (9)4.13 (6)**0.84
AB11-523 ± 7 (8)****1150 ± 89 (5)
AB6560 ± 160 (20)1637 ± 150 (9)*4.1 (13)****6.44 (6)****0.8/1.8639.2 (6)
AB5-N499 ± 203 (15)*561 ± 74 (8)**
  • —, data not collected.

  • * P < 0.05; ** P < 0.005; **** P < 0.0001.