Experimental observations on GABA EC50 and L

Values for EC50,GABA and L for the various receptors studied. The first column shows the composition of the receptor, and the second shows the background drug used to modify L. The third shows the EC50,GABA and the fourth the value of L. The footnotes indicate how L was determined. Values are mean ± S.E.M. for data from five or more oocytes.

ReceptorBackground DrugEC50,GABA
(µM)Value of L
βαγ+βαNone34 ± 89000a
βαγ+βα5 µM Pro11 ± 11826 ± 904b
βαγ+βα10 µM Pro1.2 ± 0.137 ± 4c
βαγ+βα20 μM Pro0.50 ± 0.0911 ± 4c
βαγ+βα1 μM ALF3.3 ± 0.4606 ± 161c
βαγ+βα100 μM PEB1.1 ± 0.359 ± 16c
βαγ+βα200 μM PEB0.43 ± 0.0423 ± 6c
βαγ+βα(L263S)None3.0 ± 0.174 ± 9a
βα(L263S)γ+βαNone2.0 ± 0.119 ± 2a
βα(L263S)γ+βα(L263S)None0.28 ± 0.047.3 ± 0.4a
β(Y143W)αγ+β(Y143W)αNone2.4 ± 0.2141 ± 20a
β(Y143W)αγ+βα(L263S)None0.70 ± 0.0667 ± 5a
β(Y143W)αγ+βα25 μM Pro0.46 ± 0.067.4 ± 1.5c
βαγ+β(Y205S)αnone129 ± 169000d
βαγ+β(Y205S)α5 μM Pro88 ± 9539 ± 119c
βαγ+β(Y205S)α10 μM Pro24 ± 2315 ± 58c
βαγ+β(Y205S)α20 μM Pro8.2 ± 2.042 ± 5c
βαγ+β(Y205S)α40 μM Pro3.9 ± 0.511 ± 2c
βα(L263S)γ+β(Y205S)αNone6.1 ± 1.435 ± 1a
  • ALF, alfaxalone; PEB, pentobarbital; Pro, propofol.

  • a Based on the effect of picrotoxin on constitutive activity.

  • b Calculated from the current response in the presence of the background drug corrected for constitutive activity.

  • c Calculated from the current response in the presence of the background drug assuming no constitutive activity.

  • d Considered to equal that of the wild-type receptor.