Score for histological evaluation of mucosa

Score Appearance
0 Normal appearance
1 Epithelium intact, columnar enterocytes, goblet cells present, slight edema, slight increase of inflammatory cells in lamina propria and submucosa
2 Epithelium intact, increase of number of cuboidal enterocytes, disappearance of goblet cell vacuoles, slight increase of inflammatory cells in lamina propria and submucosa
3 Localized detachment of enterocytes from the surface, increase of number of cuboidal enterocytes, disappearance of goblet cell vacuoles, localized edema, increase of inflammatory cells in lamina propria and submucosa
4 Localized detachment of enterocytes from the surface, increase of number of cuboidal enterocytes, disappearance of goblet cell vacuoles, generalized edema, increase of inflammatory cells in lamina propria and submucosa
5 Localized detachment of enterocytes from the surface, increase of number of cuboidal enterocytes, disappearance of goblet cell vacuoles, generalized edema, increase of inflammatory cells in lamina propria and submucosa and external muscular layers
6 Generalized detachment of enterocytes and goblet cells, generalized edema, increase of inflammatory cells in lamina propria and submucosa
7 Generalized detachment of enterocytes and goblet cells, generalized edema, increase of inflammatory cells in lamina propria, submucosa and external muscular layers
8 Generalized detachment of enterocytes and goblet cells, destruction of lamina propria, generalized edema, increase of inflammatory cells in lamina propria, submucosa and external muscular layers