Relationship between potency of 873140 in the presence of test antagonists

Test Antagonist t Valuea Significance Slopeb 95% Confidence Limits of Slope
TAK 779 8.17 P < 0.0005 −0.84 −1.1 to −0.55
Sch-C 14.2 P < 0.0005 −1.18 −1.1 to −0.9
Sch-D 15.1 P < 0.0005 −1.1 −1.3 to −0.84
UK-427,857 14.8 P < 0.0005 −1.0 −1.3 to −0.8
  • a Measure of the significance of a possible relationship between x and y values. In this case, x is the log of the ratio of IC50 values for the reference antagonist in the presence and absence of test antagonist (abscissae as for Fig. 11) and y is the log of the ratio of B0 values in the presence and absence of test antagonist (ordinates as for Fig. 11). See Materials and Methods for further details.

  • b Slope of the regression of x and y as shown in Fig. 11.