Statistics on the diffraction data and structure refinement

Data collection
 Space groupP41212P41212P41212
 Unit cell (a, c, Å)103.6, 268.7104.7, 270.3105.4, 270.1
 Resolution (Å)
 Total measurements1,215,951688,294161,116
 Unique reflections96,82742,34824,552
 Completeness (%)97.2 (91.9)a100.0 (100.0)84.9 (85.4)
 Average I/σ20.8 (3.5)a7.2 (5.1)7.6 (2.0)
 Rmerge0.074 (0.274)a0.125 (0.668)0.156 (0.717)
Structure refinement
 R-work0.224 (0.457)a0.205(0.291)0.215 (0.301)
 R-free0.247 (0.470)a0.231 (0.326)0.244 (0.364)
 Resolution (Å)30.0-2.050.0-2.750.0-3.1
 Reflections94,640 (5%)b40,241 (5%)23,302 (5%)
 RMSD for bond length (Å)0.0070.0080.007
 RMSD for bond angle (o)
Average B-factor (Å2)
 Protein40.4 (5357)c41.6 (5337)62.1 (5357)
 Inhibitor37.9 (50)37.8 (50)61.3 (50)
 Zn2+48.1 (2)51.7 (2)71.8 (2)
 Mg2+31.8 (2)32.5(2)50.6 (2)
 Water39.0 (255)29.1 (12)42.6 (12)
Ramachandran plot (%)
 Generally allowed0.30.70.2
  • a The numbers in parentheses are for the highest resolution shells of 2.0–2.05, 2.7–2.77, and 3.1–3.17 Å, respectively, for the PDE9 structures in the complex with racemic C33, (S)-C33, and (R)-C33.

  • b The percentage of reflections omitted for calculation of R-free.

  • c The number of atoms in the structure refinement.