Data collection and refinement statistics

Number of crystals4
Space groupP21221
Unit cell parameters
a, b, and c (Å)53.0, 61.8, 95.5
 α, β, and γ (°)90, 90, 90
Data processing
 Resolution (Å)37.8–2.4
 Rmergea0.161 (0.704)
 < I/σ(I) >a8.2 (1.9)
 Completeness (%)a98.4 (98.3)
 Multiplicitya4.8 (4.9)
 Wilson B factor (Å2) 27.7
 Total number of reflections11,942
 Total number of atoms2436
 Number of waters26
 Number of lipid molecules5
 Number of sodium ions2
Rworkb,d0.217 (0.294)
Rfreec,d0.248 (0.285)
 RMSD bonds (Å)0.007
 RMSD angles (o)1.29
 Mean atomic B factor (Å2)39.35
 Estimated coordinate error (Å)0.223
 Ramachandran plot favored (%)e98.94
 Ramachandran plot outliers (%)e0
  • a The values in parentheses are for the highest resolution bin (2.53–2.4 Å).

  • b The number of reflections used to calculate Rwork is 11,942.

  • c The number of reflections from a randomly selected subset used to calculate Rfree is 602.

  • d The values in parentheses are for the highest resolution bin for refinement (2.46–2.4 Å)

  • e The figures were obtained using MolProbity.