Index by author
July 01, 1976; Volume 12,Issue 4
Walters, JUDITH R.
- You have accessStimulation by Dopamine of Adenosine Cyclic 3',5'-Monophosphate Formation in Rat Caudate Nucleus: Effect of Lesions of the Nigro-neostriatal PathwayBRUCE K. KRUEGER, JAVIER FORN, JUDITH R. WALTERS, ROBERT H. ROTH and PAUL GREENGARDMolecular Pharmacology July 1976, 12 (4) 639-648;
- You have accessInteraction of Spin-Labeled Bisquaternary Ammonium Ligands with AcetylcholinesteraseVICTORIO T. WEE, BIRANDRA K. SINHA, PALMER W. TAYLOR and COLIN F. CHIGNELLMolecular Pharmacology July 1976, 12 (4) 667-677;
- You have accessMechanism by Which Psychotropic Drugs Inhibit Adenosine Cyclic 3',5'-Monophosphate Phosphodiesterase of BrainROBERT M. LEVIN and BENJAMIN WEISSMolecular Pharmacology July 1976, 12 (4) 581-589;
- You have accessProperties and Drug Responsiveness of Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphodiesterases of Rat LungRICHARD FERTEL and BENJAMIN WEISSMolecular Pharmacology July 1976, 12 (4) 678-687;
Wilson, IRWIN B.
- You have accessFree Energy Relationships in the Inhibition of Acetylcholinesterase by Diethyl PhosphatesJAMES A. MAGLOTHIN, WEN-SHERNG CHEN and IRWIN B. WILSONMolecular Pharmacology July 1976, 12 (4) 658-666;