Index by author
May 01, 1967; Volume 3,Issue 3
Aronow, LEWIS
- You have accessThe Effect of Cortisol, Administered in Vivo, on the in Vitro Incorporation of DNA and RNA Precursors by Rat Thymus CellsWILLIAM B. PRATT, STEVEN EDELMAN and LEWIS ARONOWMolecular Pharmacology May 1967, 3 (3) 219-224;
- You have accessMetabolic Effects of Copper in Intact Cells: Comparative Activity of Cupric Chloride and the Cupric Chelate of Kethoxal Bis(thiosemicarbazone)BARBARA A. BOOTH and ALAN C. SARTORELLIMolecular Pharmacology May 1967, 3 (3) 290-302;
Branda, LUIS A.
- You have access2-Isoleucine-oxytocin and Deamino-2-isoleucine-oxytocin: Their Synthesis and Some of Their Pharmacologic ActivitiesLUIS A. BRANDA, VICTOR J. HRUBY and VINCENT DU VIGNEAUDMolecular Pharmacology May 1967, 3 (3) 248-253;
Byvoet, PAUL
- You have accessMetabolic Integrity of Deoxyribonucleohistones during Enzyme InductionPAUL BYVOETMolecular Pharmacology May 1967, 3 (3) 303-305;
- You have accessN-Acetylation of Drugs: Isolation and Properties of an N-Acetyltransferase from Rabbit LiverWENDELL W. WEBER and SANFORD N. COHENMolecular Pharmacology May 1967, 3 (3) 266-273;
Du Vigneaud, VINCENT
- You have access2-Isoleucine-oxytocin and Deamino-2-isoleucine-oxytocin: Their Synthesis and Some of Their Pharmacologic ActivitiesLUIS A. BRANDA, VICTOR J. HRUBY and VINCENT DU VIGNEAUDMolecular Pharmacology May 1967, 3 (3) 248-253;
Edelman, STEVEN
- You have accessThe Effect of Cortisol, Administered in Vivo, on the in Vitro Incorporation of DNA and RNA Precursors by Rat Thymus CellsWILLIAM B. PRATT, STEVEN EDELMAN and LEWIS ARONOWMolecular Pharmacology May 1967, 3 (3) 219-224;
Formby, BENT
- You have accessThe Binding of Noradrenaline to Phosphatidylserine. In Vitro Studies of an Artificial Model System of Biological OriginBENT FORMBYMolecular Pharmacology May 1967, 3 (3) 284-289;
Fraser, I. M.
- You have accessPurification and Some Characteristics of an α,β-Unsaturated Ketone Reductase from Dog Erythrocytes and Human LiverI. M. FRASER, M. A. PETERS and M. G. HARDINGEMolecular Pharmacology May 1967, 3 (3) 233-247;
Ginsburg, SARA
- You have accessThe Reaction of Acetylcholinesterase with Diethylphosphoryl Esters of Quaternary and Tertiary AminophenolsRICHARD J. KITZ, SARA GINSBURG and IRWIN B. WILSONMolecular Pharmacology May 1967, 3 (3) 225-232;