Index by author
May 01, 1967; Volume 3,Issue 3
Sage, H. J.
- You have accessMechanism of Secretion from the Adrenal MedullaN. KIRSHNER, H. J. SAGE and W. J. SMITHMolecular Pharmacology May 1967, 3 (3) 254-265;
Sartorelli, ALAN C.
- You have accessMetabolic Effects of Copper in Intact Cells: Comparative Activity of Cupric Chloride and the Cupric Chelate of Kethoxal Bis(thiosemicarbazone)BARBARA A. BOOTH and ALAN C. SARTORELLIMolecular Pharmacology May 1967, 3 (3) 290-302;
Sjoerdsma, ALBERT
- You have accessTryptophan Hydroxylase Inhibition: the Mechanism by Which p-Chlorophenylalanine Depletes Rat Brain SerotoninERIC JÉQUIER, WALTER LOVENBERG and ALBERT SJOERDSMAMolecular Pharmacology May 1967, 3 (3) 274-278;
Smith, W. J.
- You have accessMechanism of Secretion from the Adrenal MedullaN. KIRSHNER, H. J. SAGE and W. J. SMITHMolecular Pharmacology May 1967, 3 (3) 254-265;