Index by author
November 01, 1967; Volume 3,Issue 6
- You have accessDifferential Inhibitors of tRNA MethylasesELSIE WAINFAN and ERNEST BOREKMolecular Pharmacology November 1967, 3 (6) 595-598;
Connamacher, ROBERT H.
- You have accessAdaptation of Populations of Bacillus cereus to TetracyclineROBERT H. CONNAMACHER, H. GEORGE MANDEL and FRED E. HAHNMolecular Pharmacology November 1967, 3 (6) 586-594;
Ellison, ARTHUR C.
- You have accessA Study of Renal Carbonic AnhydraseTHOMAS H. MAREN and ARTHUR C. ELLISONMolecular Pharmacology November 1967, 3 (6) 503-508;
Estabrook, RONALD W.
- You have accessSex Differences in Drug Metabolism by Rat Liver MicrosomesJOHN B. SCHENKMAN, INGEBORG FREY, HERBERT REMMER and RONALD W. ESTABROOKMolecular Pharmacology November 1967, 3 (6) 516-525;
- You have accessSex Differences in Drug Metabolism by Rat Liver MicrosomesJOHN B. SCHENKMAN, INGEBORG FREY, HERBERT REMMER and RONALD W. ESTABROOKMolecular Pharmacology November 1967, 3 (6) 516-525;
Gordon, ROBERT
- You have accessEnd-Product Inhibition of Tyrosine Hydroxylase as a Possible Mechanism for Regulation of Norepinephrine SynthesisSYDNEY SPECTOR, ROBERT GORDON, ALBERT SJOERDSMA and SIDNEY UDENFRIENDMolecular Pharmacology November 1967, 3 (6) 549-555;
Hahn, FRED E.
- You have accessAdaptation of Populations of Bacillus cereus to TetracyclineROBERT H. CONNAMACHER, H. GEORGE MANDEL and FRED E. HAHNMolecular Pharmacology November 1967, 3 (6) 586-594;
Hersh, LEROY
- You have accessThe Interaction of Local Anesthetics with Lecithin MonolayersLEROY HERSHMolecular Pharmacology November 1967, 3 (6) 581-585;
Krenitsky, THOMAS A.
- You have accessPurine Nucleoside Phosphorylase: Kinetics, Mechanism, and SpecificityTHOMAS A. KRENITSKYMolecular Pharmacology November 1967, 3 (6) 526-536;
- You have accessStudies with Specific Enzyme InhibitorsERNEST KUN, PIERRE VOLFIN and HORACE H. LOHMolecular Pharmacology November 1967, 3 (6) 497-502;
In this issue