Article Information
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- Received August 12, 2002
- Accepted October 9, 2002
- Published online January 1, 2003.
Copyright & Usage
The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
Author Information
- Jacky Y. T. Yeung1,
- Kevin J. Canning2,
- Guoyun Zhu3,
- Peter Pennefather4,
- John F. MacDonald3,4, and
- Beverley A. Orser1,2,3,5
- 1Institute of Medical Science (J.Y.T.Y., B.A.O.) and Departments of 2Anesthesia (K.J.C., B.A.O.), 3Physiology (G.Z., J.F.M, B.A.O.), and 4Pharmaceutical Sciences (P.P, J.F.M.), University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; and 5Department of Anesthesia, Sunnybrook and Women's College Health Science Center, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (B.A.O.)
- Dr. B.A. Orser, Department of Physiology, Medical Science Building, Room 3318, University of Toronto, 1 King's College Circle, Toronto, Ontario M5S-1A8, Canada. E-mail: beverley.orser{at}